Søg støtte - vær med at til at sikre e-Health er tilgængelig for alle
Den digitale revolution transformerer fundamentalt offentlige sundheds- og plejesystemer og introducerer e-sundhedsløsninger, der forbedrer patientoplevelser og udvider adgangen til pleje.
Disse initiativer spænder over forskningsbaserede projekter, der fokuserer på at generere ny videnskabelig viden og udvikle banebrydende teknologier og konceptbaserede projekter. De sigter mod at tilpasse, implementere og skalere eksisterende innovationer for at skabe håndgribelige sundhedsløsninger. Teknologier såsom telemedicin og sundhedsdataanalyse, drevet af kunstig intelligens, giver sundhedsudbydere og politiske beslutningstagere mulighed for at levere mere effektiv og retfærdig behandling.
Søg Funding til udvikling
Key EU Funding Programmes for Life Science

It gives grants and equity funding to innovative startups and SMEs with high impact/risk products or services. A unique combination of funding from €0.5 to 17.5 million to support innovative, products, services or business models that can create new markets or disrupt existing ones. New application process - 3 main stages.

Aimed for international projects that accelerate marketable innovative products. It is entry point enabling SMEs to merge and share expertise across borders. The consortium must have partners based in at least two different Eurostars countries. Funding average ranges of 50-75% of project costs.

This programme gives funding to turn research results into innovation opportunities. The goal is to help mature the technologies and develop business cases for the future commercialization. This can be in any field of science/technology and deal with specific challenges in various strategic fields.

Both IA and RIA are main vehicles for project-based collaborative technology development supported by the EC. IA is geared towards advancing innovative solutions towards market readiness and RIA is focused on pushing the boundaries of knowledge through pioneering research.

The programme consists of a combination of both open and challenge driven funding. It supports the exploration of bold ideas for radically new technologies and welcomes the high-risk and interdisciplinary cutting-edge science collaborations that underpin technological breakthroughs.

innovative health initiative
Innovative health initiative is a EU public-private partnership funding health research and innovation.
Organisations in the EU or Horizon Europe-associated countries including universities, research institutions, SMEs can apply for IHI funding. Larger companies may also qualify based on proposal calls.